Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you SO much to Plain Debbie for nominating me for this award!!! It is always truly inspirational to open up the notifications tab and see a nomination waiting for me 🙂 . Go check out her blog if you haven’t already… it is fabulous!



  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog.


  1. Cats or dogs? – Kittens.
  2. Where are you right now? – Sitting at home, in the office, surrounded by moving boxes.
  3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? – One of each.
  4. What keeps you motivated? – The future, my goals, art, nature, reading, education. But mostly the company that I keep… my family, my friends, and the people I get a chance to help.
  5. What’s the first country you visited? – The first was Canada. I’ve since been to Mexico, The Bahamas, and Jamaica.
  6. What’s your favorite flavor for ice cream? – Blue Moon.
  7. Who’s your favorite singer? – Lately it has been Bruno Mars for the win.
  8. Pizza or burger? – A true Wisconsin girl could never pick one or the other 🙂 .
  9. Where would you rather be right now? – Seeing as how we got several inches of snow last night, probably anywhere warm.
  10. If you could travel through time and visit a era for a day you would pick 60 70 or 80? – 1970’s, but seriously any of these would be awesome.
  11. Have you said I love you to someone today? – Yes!!!


1. What is your favorite type of weather?
2. When was your last vacation?
3. Who do you most admire?
4. What inspires you?
5. If you could speak any language what would it be?
6. You favorite candy bar?
7. What do you like to do for fun, aside from blogging?
8. Is there a story behind your name?
9. Favorite color?
10. Best accomplishment?
11. What would you do with a million dollars?


Beauty Blush, Dasa Lavric, Dolled Up By J, Helpless Whilst Drying, Hey Ehren, Online Beauty Finds, Queen of the Girl Geeks, Simply Sorcha, Sophia Lo, Taylor Dorothy

Blogger Recognition Award

I was recently nominated by Stuff in a Powder Puff for The Blogger Recognition Award!!! Thank you so much, Dee, for the ever-so-sweet nomination. Dee is relatively new to the blogosphere so please go check her out! She posts all about my favorite topics, makeup and beauty.


If you’re nominated for the award then congratulations! This means the nominator likes your blog and your work so they think you deserve recognition for it. Whether you’re a new blogger or you’ve been blogging for a while, anyone can be nominated.

Here are a few rules to follow if you’ve been nominated:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.


My Blog:

I started my blog for a mix of reasons…mainly to serve as a journal and to showcase some of my passions in life. I’ve always loved scrapbooking, collages, photography, and art of all sorts. This is my first online attempt and current outlet for creative means. Along the way I have found a great community to belong to, which is a definite plus. I started my blog close to a year ago now and it has been quite the journey so far!


  1. Be kind to others. Unlike other forms of social media, something I have not come across within the blogging community is negativity. I like that. I don’t think I would do well with unnecessary meanness directed at my blog and certainly don’t set out to be mean to others.
  2. Be kind to yourself. I cringe when I see bloggers apologize for lack of posts. Life happens. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you don’t follow your schedule exactly or need to take a break. Sometimes the ideas are there, sometimes they are not. Sometimes I have time to blog, sometimes I do not. No apologies needed!


Beauty Blush, Beauty 412, Geekish Glitter, Immalady, Joy of Wine, Just Jess, Lalee Loves Beauty, Love and Water Girl, Lynne’s Recipe Trails, Marina Lee Beauty, The Red Lip Bitch, Simply Sorcha, Sunshine in September, Taylor Talks xo, The Urben Life


One Lovely Blog Award

The Vegan Vamp has been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award!!!

I am so happy to be featured on such an amazing blog run by such a sweet blogger. Even though we live hundreds of miles away on completely separate continents, we have such similar interests including beauty, fashion, and food. If you are looking for fresh and fun posts be sure to check out The Vegan Vamp by clicking here… you will not be disappointed! Her dedication to the site is simply amazing and her content is super unique.


As part of my nomination, here are seven facts about myself:

  1. I love collecting stilettos yet hardly ever wear them. (Don’t tell my husband.)
  2. Honestly I don’t understand the liquid lipstick trend, it’s just not my jam.
  3. I do however have an obsession with lipstick in general and can’t seem to ever just wear one. I find myself mixing at least two or three for one look.
  4. Nothing is more important to me than my loved ones.
  5. I truly believe in life-long learning.
  6. Don’t even try to talk to me before I’ve had my coffee in the morning.
  7.  I’m a natural born introvert.

I would like to nominate the following bloggers to take part in The One Lovely Blog Award and share 7 facts about themselves…

All Things Lacquer, Amber Beauty, As Told By Jenny, Bella Bee, Claudia Marie, The Dawn of Inspiration, Fantastic Em, Jessica Jade Beauty, Rocket, Owl U Need is Luv.

Thank you again to The Vegan Vamp for this opportunity and for the sweet feature on her fabulous blog, XOXO.

Liebster Award

I’m so excited to receive two nominations for The Liebster Award from Olga Alexandra and Jessica Jade, thank you to these lovely ladies!!! Be sure to check out their blogs. In German, the word Liebster means sweet or kind. The Liebster Award is passed around amongst bloggers to provide support within the blogging community and I’m really excited to share mine with you today.



  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Nominate 10 new bloggers.
  3. Answer the 10 questions the person who nominated you asked you.
  4. Create 10 new questions to ask the bloggers you nominate.
  5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated by leaving them a comment on their blog.



(I condensed them to include sets from each of my nominations and took out repeats.)

  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? – Within the USA: Boston, Maine, Alaska, California, Nashville, Washington DC, Seattle, Colorado. International: Greece, London, Australia, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain, Ireland.
  2. What is one thing you can’t live without? – Lipstick, duh :).
  3. What is your favorite animal? – Cats and puppies.
  4. Have you read a good book lately? – “Yes Please” by Amy Poehler.
  5. What inspires you? – Nature, art, and people.
  6. What makes you smile when you are having a bad day? – Being with my nephew.
  7. Did you go to University, if so where and what did you major in? – I have my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from The University of Wisconsin-Stout several years ago. Also my Master of Science in Counselor Education from The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
  8. What do you like to do in your free time, aside from blogging? – I like to be outside, find new restaurants, travel, craft, bake, play with my kitten, and spend time with my loved ones.
  9. What is your pump up music? – It’s Britney, bitch.
  10. What is your favorite color? – Purple!
  11. What is your favorite show to watch? – Friends and Modern Family.
  12. If you play games, any sort, what is your favorite? – Lego Batman on the PS4 with my husband because he can get me past all of the hard parts ;).
  13. What do you use to take the pictures for your blog? – Mostly I use my iPhone 5.
  14. What is your favorite post on your blog?This one about spring nail polishes.
  15. What do you really love about blogging? – I love reading up on new beauty products from fellow bloggers and connecting with other people who share similar interests.
  16. Do you have any goals for your blog? – I would like to grow my following and develop a more consistent posting schedule. I’m a relatively new blogger so am feeling a lot of it out right now. So far I love it!



BlushingWithLiz, Choosing Cheerful, February Glow, Kate and Cosmetics, Immalady, Marissa’s Reviews, Molly a la Mode, Sipping Tea With Dee, Stargirl, This Happy Mommy, Wine and Meaning


  1. What is the best vacation you have ever taken?
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. What is your dream job, if you could do anything?
  4. Who is your celebrity lookalike?
  5. Who is your celebrity crush?
  6. What are you currently watching on Netflix?
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. Is there a story behind your name?
  9. When did you start blogging?
  10. In which area of the world do you live?


Thanks again to the two ladies who nominated me for this and thank you for taking the time to read a little bit more about me. Hope you enjoyed, XOXO!

Creative Blogger Award

I was recently nominated for The Creative Blogger Award!!! Thanks so much to Ci Ci David for this fun chance for my followers to get to know me and for me to be able to pass on this honor to fellow bloggers.



  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. Share five facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 – 20 bloggers and add their links.
  4. Notify the bloggers you included.
  5. Keep the rules in your post.



  1. I recently became a catmom and have been loving every minute of it. Except when my little furball decides to wake me up at 3:30am for cuddle time. But even that makes my heart melt and I give in almost every time!
  2. My husband and I have three trips planned this year… St. Louis, Key Largo, and either Nashvillie or Boston.
  3. I am a huge family person and have the best friends in the world. The people in my life are very important to me and provide me the best support. I consider myself so blessed in this way.
  4. Cereal is my favorite food by far.
  5. My shoe obsession has really gotten out of hand. I have a full rack of heels, two racks of flats, and a tub of flip flops.



Bella Bee , BeYounique2.0 , Catherine Louise , Confetti and Curves , Effi Dinks Wine , Enchantingly Emily , Everyday is Lipstick Day , FiveZero , Gingersnap , HelloBlissfulLife , The Little Things , Living the Gray Life , Paula Handrick , Red Landing Lips , Tonight’s Better Together , The Wine Culturist , Writing With Eyeliner

Please follow the bloggers above… they are all so great and have fantastic posts to check out. And thanks again for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me, XOXO!